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Spend two minutes with Bob...

“One of the top five lean startup experts on the planet. Bob's trained and coached startups in 52 countries, 30 US states so far!”

  1. Training and coaching startup teams, governments, incubators, government programs,
    and crazy folk in Customer Development  and Business Modeling.

  2. All based on the best-selling Startup Owner's Manual Bob spent two years
    co-authoring with Steve Blank.

  3. Well-tutored by scars from Bob's 7 startups, 24 angel deals, 7 ipo's and
    6 “direct to toilet” investments!

LEARN MORE            

the book
Power your startup to success with The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great Company. Written by Bob Dorf and startup expert Steve Blank, The Startup Owner’s Manual is the indispensable “how to” reference for any startup founder, investor, entrepreneur or educator, incorporating a decade of hands-on learning about how great startups are built:
  1. A detailed, step-by step walk through putting Customer Development to work
  2. Uses the business model canvas to monitor Customer Development progress
  3. Plus a wealth of detailed information on how to get, keep, and grow your customers
  © 2014 Bob Dorf. All rights reserved.